Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sorry, It's been a while.

A lot has happened in the last 7 or 8 months. I read me last blog to see where I left off and was shocked :-) Somehow I went from really liking that guy who I wasn't too sure about to meeting Mr. Right. Because of issues with my ex, I was tempoarily unplugged (that is what I call it when the kids are grounded from their electronics), so I'll try to do a recap of the last few months.

That guy I was seeing is a great guy. He is a good father, and responsible man, but I never felt really comfortable with him. I never felt sure that he liked me as much as I liked him, and in the end it turned out I was right. I was ok with it too. Turns out I wasn't that into him either. I wanted to be, but I realized from the beginning that he would never want to share his kids with me and wasn't interested in taking in anyone else's kids. He was not single mother dating material. He was fun though, and I learned some things about myself, so I consider that a success.

A couple months after I ended things with him, I was putting myself back out there to meet new people when I stumbled accross Mr. Right! He is a little strange, like me. We have a lot of things in common, and some things that are different, but we compliment each other. Neither one of us has the rose colored glasses mentality, so we have had some issues, but we've been dating for 6 months. We are talking about marriage even! We both came from long marriages where we were fighting to make things work while the other person didn't. I know that we can work through anything because we both are committed and stubborn :-) That is what it takes to have a long marriage, and I am excited to have a partner for once.

As for my home, things have been going ok, I guess. My oldest son is now taller than me and very proud of it. My mom has had a hard time adjusting to my new guy. She love him, but is having a hard time with me loving him. I think part of it is jealousy (she is lonely), and part of it is that she has never seen me so into someone...neither have I...I will blog about that later. The kids love him too. My mom is leaving in a couple weeks and that is very scary. I still have to work full time to make ends meet. Technically, my kids are at an age that I should be able to get home a few hours after them and be ok, but they haven't had much experience with that, and my oldest is autistic, so I'm very nervous about it. Ever since my mom told me she was leaving, I've been an emotional roller coaster. That wasn't a typo. I'm aware that people usually say they are on an emotional roller coaster. I took Mr. Right for a ride. I am so glad he's stubborn and committed. When I am in a stressful situation, I am like superwoman, but right now I am falling apart. I have a couple more weeks before things get really tough so I have to get all of my panicing out now. There will be no time for that later. My ex has not sent anything to help care for his kids since last August. I am in the process of getting his wages garnished for child support. A good friend of mine loaned me her truck so that I could get a job. I started working towards the end of August. A couple of my friends helped me get caught up on my rent so that I could start out a little less suffocated. I got a new to me car with my tax money. My mandatory purgatory will be over next week, but now I don't have the $850 for a divorce. I am not sure how I will swing that, but I will...I think that is all of the updates...now I can come back later and talk about more of the emotional, learning experience parts of the story.

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